How To Prepare Your For Small Business Saturday
3 min reading time
3 min reading time
Although Royal Wholesale isnt considered and small business, we know that many of our customers are. With this in mind, we thought it would be a good idea to provide you with some great tips on how you can prepare your business to take part in Small Business Saturday. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, Small Business Saturday takes place the Saturday after Thanksgiving and encourages people across the country to support small, local businesses. Founded in 2010 by American Express, Small Business Saturday has helped promote small businesses and the communities they serve. As a small business owner, you too can take part in Small Business Saturday and use it as a wonderful marketing tool to help grow your business. Here's how:
Explore The Shop Small Website
The Shop Small website is a wonderful source of information about the Shop Small movement, Small Business Saturday, and contains tons of helpful marketing ideas and materials to help promote your business. Youll definitely want to bookmark this website as you'll find yourself returning to it often.
Create An Account
If your business accepts American Express, you can create an account in their Merchant Marketing Corner that will allow you to create free online ads, create a listing on their Shop Small map of businesses, and give you access to order free decals, signage and other materials you can use in your store. Don't accept American Express? No problem! Keep reading!
Create FREE Personalized Marketing Materials
Let your customers know what makes your small business unique with FREE customizable marketing materials! You'll be able to download marketing materials for use online, on social media and in-store. Be sure to use your materials well in advance of Small Business Saturday to let everyone know you'll be participating in the event!
Get Social!
Use the free social media marketing materials you've been given to promote your business and Small Business Saturday on social media! Add a Small Business Saturday profile picture and banner image to your profile. Create posts about the event frequently to remind your customers when it is and to notify them of any special promotions you may be running in conjunction with the event.
Give FREE Gifts!
When you create your free customizable marketing materials, you'll also be asked for your address so American Express can send you some great Small Business Saturday marketing materials such as tote bags, stickers, pens and more! We recommend giving the first few customers who shop with you on Small Business Saturday or customers who make a special purchase (decided by you) a tote bag filled with the other free gifts and possibly a coupon or free sample from your business. It's a great way to show your customers that you appreciate their patronage.