Which of these Retro Slang Terms and Candies Do You Know?

Which of these Retro Slang Terms and Candies Do You Know?

6 min reading time


Popular Retro Slang and Candy from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s


Slang is informal and unofficial. It is a very informal language or specific words used by a particular group of people. Slang words appear in the language in response to the events that created them and show the attitudes of the group that uses them. In this case each decade can be defined by particular events, trends, styles, and attitudes and the slang emerging from it.

We've compiled a list of the most popular slang words and candy for each decade. This list will make you flip your lid, it’s totally tubular and far out! Don’t be a square or a dork. Like dude you have to check it out! Cowabunga!

List of 1950s Slang: 




  1. Antsville: A congested place.

  2. Knuckle sandwich: A punch in the face.

  3. Shiner: A black eye.

  4. Tank: A big car.

  5. Ain't that a bite: That's too bad.

  6. Ball: A really good time. 

  7. Flip your lid: Go Crazy.

  8. Made in the shade: Something's guaranteed to be a success.

  9. The royal shaft: To be unfairly treated or put-off.

  10. Take a picture: It'll last longer. Used when someone is staring at you.

Top 1950s Candy: Atomic Fireballs


Ferrara introduced the cinnamon hard candy in 1954, the spicy flavor and long lasting candy was instantly popular at the height of the Cold War and the nuclear scare. Atomic Fireballs continue to remain a legacy through the Atomic Fireball challenge, where people see how many Fireballs they can hold in their mouth at once for the longest amount of time.


List of 1960s Slang: 




  1. Race for pinks: Race cars when the winner keeps the loser's car.

  2. Far out: Awesome.

  3. Gimme some skin: To ask someone to slap or shake your hand in agreement.

  4. Bogart: To keep everything for yourself.

  5. Deuce: Putting two fingers up in a peace symbol.

  6. Don't flip your wig: Don't be upset.

  7. Old lady: Girlfriend/wife.

  8. Old man: Boyfriend/husband, sometimes father.

  9. Square: Someone who isn't cool.

  10. The Man: Any establishment authority figure interested in maintaining the status quo of corporate and political.


Top 1960s Candy: Starburst 


Starburst was invented around the year 1960, in the United Kingdom. According to some rumors, a man named Peter Pfeffer made the originally named version of starburst for the first time in 1961, (with other claims that it was in 1960 or 1959). However, he called the candies Opal Fruits back then. In order to produce the candies at a larger scale, Peter introduced the candies to the Mars Company, who brought it to the UK markets five years later. The candy then traveled to the US in 1967, under the name of Opal Fruits, where it was eventually renamed to Starburst. 


List of 1970s Slang: 




  1. Aww sooky sooky: Aww yeah, baby.

  2. Flower power: Choosing peace over war.

  3. Jeepers creepers: Oh my gosh.

  4. Are you jivin' yet?: Are you more relaxed?

  5. Don't be such a spaz: A klutz; silly.

  6. Dork: Nerd.

  7. The flip side: See you later.

  8. Psyche: To trick someone.

  9. Up your nose with a rubber hose: I'm really mad at you.

  10. Wally wally, blood and dolly: You're crazy about someone in an unhealthy way.


Top 1970s Candy: Blow Pops 


The Charms Blow Pop made its debut in 1973, but was first patented in 1969. When the Charms Blow Pop lollipops were first introduced the world had never experienced another lollipop quite like it. This lollipop was surely original and unique, as it required you to first patiently enjoy the candy shell before reaching its chewy bubblegum center. This lollipop became the Charms Candy number one selling product of all time! 

List of 1980s Slang: 




  1. Dude:  greeting term between men, meaning "guy" or "man.

  2. Like: "Like" is most often used as a broad quotative, indicating that the following phrase (or image) reflects something significant about the speaker's subject.

  3. Space cadet: Clueless, ditzy person.

  4. Spaz: Lame, unattractive.

  5. Clutch: Successful, especially at an important moment.

  6. Funky fresh: Stylish, exciting.

  7. Gnarly: Cool, badass.

  8. Valley girl: Originally a reference to teenage girls from California's San Fernando Valley, extended to mean young women who adopted California slang and fashion.

  9. Cowabunga: A statement of praise and excitement.

  10. Tubular: Good, originally from the shape of a curled-over wave ideal for surfing.


Top 1980s Candy: Nerds


Nerds were created by the Willy Wonka Candy Factory in 1983. Some say the name Nerds came from a Dr. Seuss book, "If I Ran the Zoo," where a nerd is mentioned as one of the characters.  Others feel the name of Nerds candy has to do with the term “nerd” being thought to mean something as being “odd” or unusual”, like the candy Nerds themselves are.

We hope you enjoyed revisiting each decade and remembering particular events and trends that evoked these slang words and these popular retro candies, which are all available at RoyalWholesaleCandy.com All these candies can be purchased as bulk candy and at wholesale prices for business owners. 





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