Why Your Confectionery Business Needs A Blog - Royal Wholesale

Why Your Confectionery Business Needs A Blog

2 min reading time

Some of you may be subscribed to a blog that you read regularly. Many of you probably read a blog post one or more times per day and don't even realize it. That great cake recipe you were checking out... That's a blog. The web page that explained how to create a perfect candy buffet! That's a blog too. The internet is loaded with blog posts, so why should your confectionery business add one to the mix? Well for starters, a recent HubSpot survey showed that 60% of businesses who blog acquire more customers. If the promise of more customers isn't enough to get you blogging, here are some other equally convincing reasons why you should get started.

Improved SEO & SERP

Including keywords that are relevant to your business and industry in your blog post will help to improve your website's overall search engine optimization (SEO) and therefore, also improve your chances of ranking high on a search engine results page (SERP). In addition, each blog post gives your website another indexed page that will show in search results, which will help drive traffic to your website.

Increased Website Traffic & Lead Conversions

With improved SEO and SERP, you'll likely see an increase in the amount of traffic being driven to your website. This increased website traffic will give you more opportunities to turn your traffic into leads. You can do this simply by adding a call-to-action button at the bottom of your blog posts inviting readers to subscribe to your blog, download a free piece of content, or sign up for your email newsletter, etc.

Creates A Personalized & Engaging User Experience

Blogging gives your business the opportunity to connect with customers and share engaging and informative content with them. This type of content encourages interaction, comments and feedback, thus creating a two-way conversation between you and your customers, prospects and industry peers.

Establishes Your Business As An Industry Leader

Blogging gives you an outlet to share your expertise and establish authority and credibility in your industry. Customers and potential customers will then look to you as a reliable resource for information on your industry and will be more likely to turn to you when they're ready to purchase the products and services you offer.

Provides Content Fodder

Let's face it, owning a confectionery business is very time consuming. You don't have all day to sit around creating content for blogs, social media posts and email blasts. By taking a small amount of time to write a quality blog post, you'll also be creating a piece of content that can be shared on social media, in your email blasts and in your company newsletter. Talk about a time saver!

Cost-Effective Marketing

Blogs are extremely cost-effective marketing investments. The only costs involved in having a blog would be if you choose to have a custom domain name, want to hire a writer, or choose to have an upgraded blog theme. If you're handling the writing yourself and using a free theme, your blog won't cost you a penny.


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